The menu to the left allows you to navigate through the courses available for your level and category.
Once you have completed all classes, you will be granted access to the final exam relative to your category and level.
Upon passing the exam, a certificate attesting your participation in the course will be available for dowload, as well as the whole course material in a single zip file. Optionally, you can redeem a badge to show and share your achievement and/or request for your profile to be upgraded to the next level.
You may at any moment request to be assigned a different category (e.g. changing from adult to migrant, or vice versa), by contacting us via the internal messaging system of the website (under PERSONAL AREA – MESSAGES) and sending a request to the administrator.
NOTE: in such case the level assigned to you will be 1 by default.
Mes Coursadministrator2022-07-07T09:57:39+01:00