VIE: Cours
VIRTUAL INCLUSIVE EDUCATION offre au secteur social et à ses agents de multiples cours pour favoriser l’apprentissage et renforcer le développement des compétences numériques et critiques, afin d’améliorer non seulement la qualité des actions et des activités des entités sociales, mais aussi la qualification de leur personnel et les bénéficiaires.
Ces cours ont été conçus conjointement par des enseignants et des experts sur les sujets qu’ils traitent ; nous sommes particulièrement fiers d’avoir eu le soutien de véritables bénéficiaires pour concevoir leur contenu, en obtenant un style proche et accessible tout en répondant aux questions clés dont ils ont particulièrement besoin et qu’ils jugent importantes.
Par exemple, si vous choisissez le COURS POUR MIGRANTS ET RÉFUGIÉS, vous constaterez que des pédagogues experts, des enseignants adultes et des associations de migrants et de réfugiés ont participé à sa création, ce qui nous a permis de développer un cours très percutant pour promouvoir l’inclusion des nouveaux arrivants dans notre société et briser les barrières de la haine et du racisme.
Vous pouvez voir une description détaillée de chaque cours ci-dessous:
Courses to manage your entity and its projects
Courses to train yourself and your work team
Volunteers Learning
The course that you are going to start is intended to offer volunteers -or those who aspire to become one- the possibility of acquiring, updating, completing, or expanding their specific knowledge and skills to work on social projects for the inclusion of migrants or refugees through formal and non-formal learning. We offer you the possibility of improving your capabilities of helping those who need it the most, and with that reaching a fairer and equal society.
This course gathers contents and methodological strategies created through the experience of migrant persons themselves, and those compiled over the years by social entities expert in the inclusion of segregated or marginalized groups. Through the exchange of experiences and shared effort, we offer you a course that we believe is useful and effective to -regardless of your previous experience- make a difference in migrants’ and their neighbors’ lives. This course will also allow you to reinforce the “COURSE OF LITERACY FOR ADULTS” by continuing the training it proposes with specific contents and examples in the field of volunteering. This course, especially aimed at local adults (native or those who already established in Europe), is a tool capable of advancing in the curriculum defined in European Order ECD/651/2017 of July 5th, which regulates basic education and its curriculum for adults in the field of management of the Ministries of Education, Culture, and Sports (or their counterparts) in European countries.
Thus, the purpose of the course “SPECIFIC TRAINING AND INCLUSION” is to improve your volunteering abilities in social entities, but also to help you develop tools for the critical analysis of your own environment and encourage your direct participation in volunteering as a mechanism to build a more inclusive, diverse, and fair society.
Low Vision in the Pre-primary School
The course that you are going to start aims to provide basic knowledge on visual impairment, to allow you to develop educational procedures appropriate to the pre-primary education stage, within the general framework of inclusion. We want to offer pre-primary school teachers (like you) the possibility of acquiring, updating, completing or expanding their knowledge and skills regarding attention to diversity, especially in the case of visually impaired students, so you can turn the ordinary classroom into inclusive environments, to improve the future personal and professional development of children with visual deficiency.
This course is mainly aimed at teachers of existing pre-primary education schools, however, when we speak of the educational community, we must not forget the environment (family, friends), which is why this course also aims to become a valid tool for anyone who intends to enter, in a didactic, scientific, and systematic way, into the appealing and exciting world of the development and inclusive education of visually impaired children.
This course is based on the conviction that Integrated Education offers more possibilities towards children’s psychosocial development than a segregated one. The goal of this type of education is the inclusion of students with visual impairment, so they are capable of participating and interacting normally with other children without visual disabilities, and also competing in the same productivity and efficiency conditions in the future. Therefore, this course do not focus on early childhood education curricular issues, but it provides essential training to work with students with special needs through an innovative methodology that tries to fully integrate these students along with non-visually impaired students so they develop the social skills and self-confidence that will be paramount for, in the short term, their access to primary education, and for their social and labor inclusion in the future.
Courses to improve your and your beneficiaries’ education
Adults Learning
This course offers its users (persons between 18 and 35 years old) the opportunity of acquiring, updating, completing, or expanding their knowledge and skills for their personal and professional development through both formal and non-formal education. We want to offer you the possibility of developing basic training, and expanding and renewing your knowledge, skills, and abilities permanently.
Thus, the purpose of the course “TRAINING BASIC SKILLS” is to improve your professional qualification and develop your personal skills and participation in social, cultural, political, and economic life. We specifically offer a basic learning compatible with the learning of EPAS and other official adult training centers in Europe which will enable you, once completed, to obtain official adult education certifications. But this course also helps you in developing tools for the critical analysis of your environment, and encourages you to directly participate in volunteering as a mechanism to build a more inclusive, diverse, and fair society.
The course proposes an innovative learning, not focused on memory or isolated facts (like outdated education) but on the development of key competences through a virtual and customized learning that you can carry out from your home or even from your smartphone. The European Parliament (highest body of the European Union) stated in Recommendation 2006/962/EC that these competences are a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes appropriate to the context: this means that we do not only intend you to learn new things, but also learn how to do those things (skills) and how you face them (attitudes).
Migrants and Refugees Learning
This course is intended to serve as a guiding tool for migrants who wish to live, work, and settle in a new society, while also providing help and support to professionals from social organizations that work in the reception and counseling tasks for non-EU citizens.
Its content is aimed at people who are under immigration laws, and has been developed thanks to the joint work of volunteers and experts. It explains the duties and rights of both newcomers and the authorities in all areas. In general terms, it aims to contribute to the inclusion of migrants and refugees by including more specific materials on some of areas, but for a more personalized information and advice, we recommend you to contact a legal service and/or a specialized entity.
The contact data of all public entities cited throughout the guide in each area are again specified in the last pages of each of the Didactic Units, plus a brief list of associations that can provide you legal advice, guidance, and other services aimed at newcomers.
One of the more useful objectives of the course “SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL TRAINING” is to obtain, once completed, a certificate recognized by the entities participating in the project, designed under the European Erasmus Plus Programme. This certificate provides information on different inclusion mechanisms, while also offering resources for the real improvement of the situation of the migrant person.
Job Training in the Technology Sector
Through this course we offer you a comprehensive training, starting from basic literacy to the development of the digital and technological skills necessary to access certain jobs in the technology sector; all through an educational itinerary based on scientific thinking and critical analysis.
This course proposes the creation of itineraries adaptable to the initial situation of each user, determining the contents and levels from their previous level of knowledge and skills.
It is aimed at adults between 18 and 30 who left the educational system and have not been able to access the labor market, it isn’t only intended for academic training or improving their basic knowledge, but also to significantly promote their employability, inclusion, and motivation to be active through participation in the fields of technology and innovation.
The course proposes a flexible and adaptable educational methodology, micro e-Learning, a proposal based on virtual learning and on fragmenting the didactic contents by means of which certain skills are acquired. Learning in this way is generated in small pills (cases) that, although autonomous, are interconnected with the rest to form a broader and deeper knowledge in the long term.
We offer a large series of cases that propose plausible situations in your personal, social, or work environment, about which you’ll have to think, look for information, face problems, and make decisions. This learning breaks with the paradigms and approaches of traditional education, it is a learning based on problem solving.